The class each of this registry's content is expected to be an instance of.
CATEGORIESAn array of allowed categories of damage types.
_defaultAn array of data used to initialise this registry.
modelThe class each of this registry's content is expected to be an instance of.
The name of the registry
Registers a new instance of Model with the registry, using a partial of its data as the base.
The namespace for which this value is registered.
The unique key of the value.
A Partial of the data to use as the base for the new value.
The registry itself, after the value has been registered.
pf1.registry.damageTypes.register("my-module", "my-damage-type", {
name: "My Damage Type",
icon: "icons/svg/damage.svg",
color: "#00ff00",
category: "physical",
Sets the value of a key in the registry.
ID of the value to set.
The value to set.
The registry itself, after the value has been set.
Returns the contents of this registry as object, using ids as keys.
source: boolean = falseWhether to include the source data instead of its prepared data for each value.
The data of each value in the registry, by id
Unregisters a value from the registry, or if no id is provided, all values belonging to the namespace.
The namespace for which this value is unregistered.
id: stringThe unique key of the value, or undefined
to unregister all values belonging to the namespace.
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The singleton registry of damage types. At runtime this registry is accessible as