
  • Application
    • Troubleshooter


  • Parameters

    • Optional options: Partial<ApplicationOptions>

      Configuration options which control how the application is rendered. Application subclasses may add additional supported options, but the following configurations are supported for all Applications. The values passed to the constructor are combined with the defaultOptions defined at the class level.

    Returns Troubleshooter


migrating: {
    modules: boolean;
    world: boolean;
} = ...

Type declaration

  • modules: boolean
  • world: boolean
unlock: boolean = false


  • get defaultOptions(): {
        classes: string[];
        id: string;
        width: number;
  • Returns {
        classes: string[];
        id: string;
        width: number;

    • classes: string[]
    • id: string
    • width: number


  • Returns {
        isGM: boolean;
        links: {
            faq: string;
            foundry: {
                channel: string;
                discord: string;
                kb: string;
            help: string;
            helpmodule: string;
            report: string;
        migrating: {
            modules: boolean;
            world: boolean;
        unlockPacks: boolean;

    • isGM: boolean
    • links: {
          faq: string;
          foundry: {
              channel: string;
              discord: string;
              kb: string;
          help: string;
          helpmodule: string;
          report: string;
      • faq: string
      • foundry: {
            channel: string;
            discord: string;
            kb: string;
        • channel: string
        • discord: string
        • kb: string
      • help: string
      • helpmodule: string
      • report: string
    • migrating: {
          modules: boolean;
          world: boolean;
      • modules: boolean
      • world: boolean
    • unlockPacks: boolean

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